Dear Patricia,
First of all, I would like to let you know that I enjoy your yoga class very much. Thank you.
And second, I am so grateful to you for the advice you gave me four weeks ago and for your time. When I approached you I anticipated that you would suggest a set of exercises to help me cope with inflamed joints, but I received much more. Your advice to restrict consumption of vegetables from the nightshade family did not initially make too much sense, but the result is unbelievable.
I have been seeing the doctor during the last half-a-year, complaining about joint pain and strange psoriartic spots at the joints that and he could not solve the problem. Rather, he told me that I had eczema and that is an non-curable condition. As for the joint pain, he decided to ignore it completely, telling me that we are all getting older. I usually go to the doctor only if I have a serious issue, and this time the problem was getting progressively worse. I followed his advice and tried everything he recommended: steroids, anti-histamines, etc – nothing helped. Now, after I simply restricted the nightshades, the joint pain disappeared, and all of my non-curable “eczematic” spots and discoloration are gone. It is so nice to be pain-free and to have a normal-looking skin.
Please let me know, if you are teaching anything else besides yoga (like nutrition or wellness classes). I will be very interested.
Thank you so much,
Sophia Chernikova, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
Senior Scientist