About Patricia Becker

In my twenties, I had never considered sustainable eating or yoga. My weekends were about drinking, smoking, late-night feasts. Fortunatley life a divorce and other challenges prompted a huge shift.
A book on macrobiotic principles changed everything—transforming my diet, my energy, and my outlook on life.
Then came the yoga journey. Now as a Certified Yoga Teacher and professional Nutritional Coach, my passion is helping others on their path to wellness. Benefit from my lessons learned and 40 years of study, coaching and practical experience. I'm here to help you achieve your health goals.

My weekend routine once involved going out to eat steak and eggs at 2am after dancing, drinking and smoking cigarettes in Great Falls, Montana. I was overweight and unhappy with my body and life.

In my late 20s, I realized my husband was addicted to drugs, and soon after we got divorced. I moved back to Pennsylvania, lived with my parents, and went from a well-paid secure job to being a lunchtime waitress. My face broke out with horrible pimples. Suffice it to say, it was an extremely difficult time. I even considered suicide.

Nutritional Awakening

My mother gave me a book You Are All Sanpaku (see Sugar Blues) that changed my life. It is about the oriental plan for total health (macrobiotic dietary and lifestyle guidelines). It proclaimed that what was medically impossible was easy through macrobiotics. Since my dermatologist had no medical solution after nearly a year of expensive doctor visits and pills, I was very interested in learning more.

I devoured that book and every book I could find on the subject. It all made common sense to me, and it is based on thousands of years of the oriental “food as medicine” principles. I began transforming my kitchen and stocking it with whole grains, beans, fresh organic vegetables, sea vegetables, and the best quality oil and condiments available.

What happened was amazing! My energy level doubled. I lost 25 pounds. I needed less sleep, I felt calm, confident and happy to be alive again. I even had a sore ankle for more than 10 years that suddenly healed. All these signs of vitality and wellness appeared, while my only focus was trying to cure my acne.

I feel so grateful to know how to find balance when I go off course and eat too much party food. Finding balance is greatest gift I like to share.

Then Came Yoga

Not long after that, I dove deeply into the practice and study of yoga. It wasn’t too long into my passion about learning how to open up into my body and breath in ways I never knew possible that I became a Certified Yoga Teacher. I took and still take advanced training to be the best for myself and my private and studio clients. I love assisting others on their journey to new personal heights and sweet deep places within the breath and poses.

For 40 years I’ve had thousands of hours of training, learning and in-depth study alongside leading nutrition and yoga experts. I traveled to Macrobiotic centers in the U.S., Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia, and advised hundreds of students and clients. As I look back, I am very grateful for that acne challenge that got me started on the path.

I’ve combined all my knowledge, practical experience and professional expertise into powerful programs to teach you how to heal many common ailments that drain you and leave you feeling exhausted day after day. I would love to assist you in reaching your health goals, increase your energy level, and feel younger — all naturally.

You can go it alone which is normally more difficult and not nearly as enjoyable. Or you get the proper guidance and support you deserve 

I am here to help.

~ Patricia

Aging with Grace Yoga©

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I was so impressed with an introductory class with Patricia Becker that I have asked for more in-depth training to meet my individual needs! She has so much to offer, go check it out, you won’t want to miss this.
Marci Hayden​
Los Altos CA​
Patricia’s a fabulous teacher and so joyous and passionate about yoga and its health benefits. I highly recommend her!
Claire Elliot
Claire Elliot

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