Vitamins of Value or Not?

Little Value and Possible Harm in Taking Vitamins

“In the modern world, the abundant supply of a wide variety of foods makes it possible to satisfy virtually all nutritional needs by eating a healthful, balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruit, and protein sources. But based on the idea that more of a good thing is better, companies are now selling Americans $12 billion worth of vitamins a year. Many scientists and doctors, however, question the value of gobbling vitamins—and there is evidence that large doses of some vitamins may actually be harmful. A recent long-term study of more than 400,000 people concluded that ‘most vitamin supplements have no clear benefit’ and warned that excess vitamin E and beta-carotene may actually weaken the immune system’s ability to kill cancer cells. ‘The case is closed,’ the study authors wrote. ‘Enough is enough.’”

Source: “Too much of a good thing,” THE WEEK, July 18, 2014

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