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Face Yoga Part II – Best Exercises!

Increased blood circulation will help with elasticity and collagen production. Check out the helpful face Jade Massage Tools. You will love them!   Face acupressure and face yoga exercises when used with a healthy diet and drinking enough good quality water will help: – Softens

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The Secret Sauce Chart

Sauces and dressings add delicious splendor to a otherwise bland meal. Tasty sauces can be made with anywhere from two ingredients or 20 ingredients. When I was the head chef Harbin Hot Springs Restaurant. I would plan the menu ahead time, then my sous chefs and

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How to Start Yoga

I love sharing the many physical, emotional and mental health benefits of a yoga practice. Learn the easiest way to get started in this 20 minute How to Start Yoga TV class also on my YouTube Channel. Take a mental note how you feel before

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Yoga Relief for Neck and Shoulders

Love and stretch the muscles that hold up your head! Subscribe to my YouTube channel for many more great yoga classes. If you find benefit, your donation to help cover the costs of producing “Yoga for Health and Joy” TV Show Classes is greatly appreciated. 

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Gentle Yoga for Everybody!

Practice along with me for your flexibility, mobility, strength and enjoyment! If you find benefit, please share with a friend who might also feel better with this yoga class! Much appreciation – Sharing is caring.

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The Way to Balancing

Yoga for Better Balance TV Show Class Learn the balancing tips and tricks! Then practice and be patient.   You will get better day by day.

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Vegan Corn Tofu Souffle

Quick and Easy Vegan Recipe. No eggs needed! Always use fresh organic produce.  Corn contains abundant minerals which positively benefit the bodies in a number of ways. phosphorous, along with magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron and copper are found in all varieties of corn. It also

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Got Gazpacho?

Nutritious and Delicious Summertime Soup The Vitamin A, E and C help prevent colds. The antioxidant proprieties reduce the aging process. Use organic Farmers Market produce for the best flavor and maximum health benefits. Easy Gazpacho Recipe 2 large tomatos, quartered 1/2 cucumber, peeled and

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Restful Sleep

Yoga for Restful Sleep Take a bath or shower toward the end of your day. Then join me here to decompressing stretches, restorative poses and a powerful relaxing breath routine to help you get a good nights the sleep.  Leave a comment, I love hearing from

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Health Benefits of Nettles

It’s no wonder that throughout temperate regions of the world nettles are valued for building vitality.   I like to find this plant on the numerous mountain hikes within a hours drive of Palo Alto.  A local herbalist, Darren Huckle taught me not to be

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Yoga for Good Digestion

This 30 minute Yoga for Good Digestion TV Show / Class  is for you if you experience indigestion, acid reflux, bloating, or stomach pain. Learn a few or all of these poses as your reliable self-healing “GoTo remedies” FREE Anytime!   Smooth digestion is essential for

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Back-Bends for Flexibility

NEW TV Show up on Yoga for Healthy and Joy YouTube Channel! Back-bends for Flexibility!  Learn how to practice back-bends correctly so they are challenging and comfortable.  Regular practice will increase your range of motion, make you feel lighter and energized. Contact me if you

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YouTube Yoga TV Playlist

Hi there,   In my desire to share the many health benefits of yoga with you, I am making professional TV Shows at the Midpen Media Center in Santa Clara County, CA.  These shows are also uploaded to where public access  stations across the county are able

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Yoga for Stress Relief

Click to watch! Make time for yourself to practice along with Patricia as she guides you how to release stress from your body and mind. Focusing on your breath as you move in and out of these yoga poses will bring you calm. Your comments

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Yoga for Healthy Backs

Do you have sporadic back pain or soreness?  If so, you’re not alone. Most of us will experience one or more incidents of back pain. Many back injuries are preventable and the pain can be alleviated using simple yoga techniques.  This workshop is appropriate for

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7 Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

Morning Rituals Drinking a cup or two of green tea is one for me. I enjoy the taste of organic loose leaf “Everyday Green Tea”.  I ordered it bulk from the Imperial Tea Company and purchase it from there shop at Ferry Plaza Market in

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Yoga Therapy – Health Trend Doctors are Paying Attention To

Yoga therapy takes a more holistic approach to healing, focusing on patients as a whole instead of just on their conditions. The practice simultaneously works on the body, mind, and spirit, strengthening the body’s different systems. These include the heart and cardiovascular system, muscles, the

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Test Your Inner Peace – With a Sense of Humor

Self-Awareness Test – Symptoms of Inner Peace Be on the lookout out for symptoms of inner peace. The hearts of a great many have already been exposed. It is possible that it could reach epidemic proportions. This could be a threat to the conflicts locally

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Healing Benefits of the Poses

“Patricia’s yoga classes were one of the highlights of camp this year.  She asked the students what we’d like to work on and then designed the class perfectly to fit our needs.   One of my favorite parts was the “partner yoga.”   It was

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Healthy Gut Bacteria

Good news – you can cultivate a new microbiota, formerly known as gut flora, in just 24 hours—by changing what you eat. “Did you know we are only 10% human? 90% of our cells are nonhuman, microbial cells. Since our diet influences our microbes, it’s

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Let My Will, Be God’s Will.

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. After Dinner Presentation  by Al Lampell. Monday June 13th 8pm  at the Meatless Monday Dinners First Baptist Church, 305 N. California Ave, Palo Alto 94301 – Enter via the tall white double doors on California Ave facing South Ct. (No religious

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Physicians Learn Benefits of Plant-based Diets

Kaiser Permanente, the largest managed healthcare organization in the United States, has published a remarkable nutritional update for physicians, telling them that healthy eating may best be achieved with a plant-based diet, defined as a regimen that “encourages whole, plant-based foods and discourages meats, dairy

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Patricia’s POWER BARS!

Do you eat the power bars? With more and more to choose from, how’s a person supposed to decide which is best? Surely, the bars you make yourself! Let me help you with my favorite no bake recipe;  Power Yummy Bars! 4 ounces crispy brown

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Minimize Regrets

Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness. When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five: 1. I wish I’d

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Sugar Blues

The following is from a book that made… dramatic improvements in my physical and emotional health: While preparing his recurring volume, A History of Nutrition, published in 1957, Professor E. V. McCollum (Johns Hopkins University), sometimes called America’s foremost nutritionist, reviewed approximately 200,000 published scientific

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